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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1996;25(4): 871-877.
Cervical tuberculous Spondylitis: Report of 2 Cases.
Jong Hee Chang, Byung Ho Jin, Byung Yoon Jun, Sung Woo Rho, Yong Eun Cho, Do Heum Yoon, Young Soo Kim
Spine Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Tuberculous spondylitis occurs about 1% of all newly diagnosed cases of tuberculosis and it is the most common and most dangerous form of skeletal tuberculosis. It usually involve the lower thoracic and lumbar spine and the cervical involvement is rare. Therapy should consist of administration of antituberculotic agents and if indicted, surgical curettage and stabilization. The early diagnosis and management was important. Due to the MR imaging for the evaluation of spinal disorders and the recent increase of patients with AIDS suggest that the prevalence of skeletal tuberculosis including tuberculous spondylitis is increasing. Authors report two cases of cervical tuberculous spondylitis with review of literatures.
Key Words: Tuberculosis; Spondylitis; Cervical; Early diagnosis; AIDS; MRI
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